1241- Far Cry 2 Remastered Modernized Fortune’s Multiplayer Editions (v1.03 + All DLCs + Remastered Definite Edition Mod – New Dunia + Modernized Edition Mod – Enhanced Texture Pack mod – Redux Edition Mod + Fortune’s Edition Expansion Pack + Online Multiplayer + 4GB RAM Patch + ReShade + MULTi5) – [DODI Repack]

TITLE: Far Cry 2 Remastered Modernized Fortune’s Multiplayer Editions
GENRE: Action
DEVELOPER: Ubisoft Montreal
RELEASE DATE:  Oct, 2008 / Dec, 2021


You are a gun for hire, trapped in a war-torn African state, stricken with malaria and forced to make deals with corrupt warlords on both sides of the conflict in order to make this country your home.
You must identify and exploit your enemies’ weaknesses, neutralizing their superior numbers and firepower with surprise, subversion, cunning and of course brute force.

  • Fire — Feel the heat of the most realistic fire ever seen in a video game! Use wind and propagation to surround and trap your enemies. Grab your Molotov cocktails or flamethrowers to take out your enemies.
  • Destructible environment — No more obstacles: Everything is breakable and alterable, even in Multiplayer mode. The DUNIA engine’s RealTree technology also delivers the most realistic nature deterioration system ever.
  • Open world — Experience real freedom while roaming in more than 50km2 without any loading. Choose your own path in this vast environment and explore a living African world.
  • A huge adventure — Fight for two rival factions, and make your way up to your primary target by any means necessary. Take on over 70 side missions to earn valuable information, new weapons and vehicles.
  • Non-scripted artificial intelligence — Medics will drag wounded soldiers to safety. Grunts will come to fear you. Your reputation and in-game actions will make enemies drop their guns and run for their lives. Feel the tension of never knowing just how an enemy will react.
  • MULTIPLAYER — Challenge your friends but watch your back—you never know who your true friends are and who might betray you! All the single player technical features are also present in multiplayer mode.

Far Cry 2: Fortune’s Edition contains the full Far Cry 2 game, including all previously released patches and the Far Cry 2 Fortunes DLC with additional content listed below.

Single player additional content:

  • Three brand-new weapons: Silenced shotgun, Sawed-off shotgun, Crossbow
  • Two new vehicles: Unimog, Quad

Multiplayer additional content:

  • Additional weapons and four new exciting maps: Cheap Labor, Last Resort, Lake Smear, Fort Fury

How to install
1- Run the installer as administrator
2- Click on the page
3- Press the up arrow on your keyboard
4- Click Install
5- Click Continue
6- Select installation destination
7- Click Next
8- Select component
9- Install

Repack Features

**** This Repack includes Four Editions
1- Far Cry 2: Fortune’s Edition (v1.03 + All DLCs + 4GB RAM Patch + MULTi5)
2- Far Cry 2: Fortune’s Multiplayer Edition (v1.03 + All DLCs + 4GB RAM Patch + Online Multiplayer + MULTi5)
3- Far Cry 2: Fortune’s Remastered Edition (v1.03 + All DLCs + 4GB RAM Patch + Four Remastered Definite Edition Mods – New Dunia + Better Sound Effects + No Blinking, New Machaetes, Extra Tapes Bonuses + MULTi5)
4- Far Cry 2: Fortune’s Modernized Edition (v1.03 + All DLCs + 4GB RAM Patch + Modernized Edition Mod – Enhanced Texture Pack mod – Redux Edition Mod + ReShade + Unlock Menu Machetes + MULTi5)

 So , after install game folder will be like this

Based on
– Far.Cry.2.Fortunes.Edition.MULTi5-PROPHET ISO Release
– Multiplayer Patch By fc2mp Community
– Far Cry 2_Remastered_Definite Edition Mods (New Dunia) By dannyhl2 (nexusmods)
– Far Cry 2: Modernized Edition Mod (Enhanced Texture Pack mod – Redux Edition Mod) By PuppyUnicorn (nexusmods)
Game version: v1.03
All SinglePlayer & Multiplayer DLCs included, 4GB RAM Patch applied
Languages : MULTi5
Language can be changed in FC2Init file (bin folder)
Repack Size : 3.35 GB
Final Size : 24.5 GB
NOTHING is cut, NOTHING is recoded
Installation time  3 – 5  minutes (Based on your PC)
Credits : Razor12911 for Xtool library
Greetings : ElAmigos, KaOsKrew, FitGirl, Masquerade
Repack By DODI

Mods & Patches In Details

1- Multiplayer Patch
latest (v0.1.17) multiplayer patch included , fc2mp Community created it to to keep the game alive & because they love the game more than UbiSoft
Run fc2mppatcher.exe (Far Cry 2 Remastered Definite Edition\Far Cry 2 Fortunes Edition Include Multiplayer\_Backup\FC2 multiplayer patcher_0.1.17), Select main game folder path and click patch. Detailed simple steps to play multiplayer in ” Far Cry 2 – Multiplayer Guide – Multiplayer gameplay Video ”
– You only can use this patch on clean game v1.03, you can’t apply it to modded game

2- Remastered Definite Edition Mods (New Dunia) By dannyhl2 (nexusmods)
Far Cry 2: New Dunia” is a massive overhaul for Far Cry 2. This includes bug fix, gameplay and graphical enhancements.

There are 4 modes of the NEW DUNIA mod, which are:

1) Player On Map
2) No Player Icon On The Map Mod
3) Malaria Disabled Mod
4) Malaria enabled

You can find them all in (Far Cry 2 Remastered Definite Edition\Far Cry 2 Remastered Definite Edition\_Backup\Far Cry 2 REMASTERED – NEW DUNIA – MODS)

*** By default i applied Player On Map + Malaria Disabled Mod , you can apply other mods if you want in (Far Cry 2 Remastered Definite Edition\Far Cry 2 Remastered Definite Edition\_Backup\Far Cry 2 REMASTERED – NEW DUNIA – MODS),  Install the mod by simply copy the “patch.dat” + “patch.fat” to your Far Cry 2 “Data_Win32” folder and overwrite the original files

***** Don’t Forget to delete “GamerProfile.xml” file in “C:\Users\(Your User Name)\Documents\My Games\Far Cry 2”

**** There are some optional enhancement to improve the effect (in Far Cry 2 Remastered Definite Edition\Far Cry 2 Remastered Definite Edition\_Backup\Far Cry 2 REMASTERED – NEW DUNIA – MODS)

1)No blinking item & Bonus Contents (Intel mission)
– Use the “MultiFixer” provided in this pack.
2)Better sounds — files to enable better sound playerback.
– Copy the “DARE.ini” to ” \Far Cry 2….\Data_Win32\SoundBinary ”  and overwrite the original files and
copy the “eax.dll” to ” \Far Cry 2\bin ”     and overwrite the original files .
3) 4GB RAM Patch (applied)

**** Main Mod Deature
1.New and improved textures.
2.Better graphics and sound.
2.Better AI.
3.Better and realistic gunplay.
4.Machete stealth kills enabled.
5.Faster vehicles.
6.Friendly AI faction.
7.New weapons added.
8.Player’s loadout rebalanced.
9.Bug fixed without FPS cap.
10.No regenerate health.
12.Shows player’s location on map!!!
13.It’s just better.(Play the OG FC2 mod, ideas from Infamous Fusion and Realmod came true.)

***** New Weapon List:

1. Makarov PMM-T(triple): Fire in Burst Mode.
2. Silenced Shotgun: Fires a big solid single slug. Great for further range assasinaton.
3. Golden Ak47: With a 40+1 round extened magazine.
4. Spas-12: Fires draogn breathe incendiary rounds.
5. Usas-12: 20 round drum magazine.
6. MKA1919: A Made In Turkey, M16 like, magazine fed shotgun. (This did not replace the M16.)
7. Fnfal: With a Bush War camo.
8. Mortar: Tracer replaced with incendiary rounds.
9. All weapon has a RELISTIC, LIFE LIKE handling. Enjoy!

3- Modernized Edition Mod By PuppyUnicorn (nexusmods)

Far Cry 2: Modernized is essentially a game overhaul; prioritizing graphical fidelity, realism, and consistency. FC2:M brings bug fixes, extra content, a custom HDR and sharpness based ReShade, upscaled and improved textures, reworked defaults (sensitivity, controls, FOV, etc.), hand drawn map icons, and other enhancements to bring FC2 to 2021.

***  ‘FarCry 2: Modernized’ is essentially a heavily customized and reworked version of Four Mods: Hunter’s wonderful ‘Far Cry 2: Redux’ mod Boggalog’s ‘Enhanced Texture Pack’ mod ‘Actual Syrette Icon’ mod , and ‘Detailed and Colourful Weapon Icons’ mod

**** Modder added a very resource intensive ReShade (focusing on HDR and sharpness) that makes the game look stunning.

Other Modifcations

OPTIONAL : Run ‘UnlockMenuMachetes.reg’ to enable machete selection in MENU -> OPTIONS -> GAME
–:  If you don’t like registry editing, I included a second ‘.reg’ that will undo all (3) registry changes.
–:  Alternatively: you can bypass this step and select your machete via your GamerProfile.xml.
–:  C:\Users\USERNAME\Documents\My Games\Far Cry 2\GamerProfile.xml
(-) Machete=”1″ –>  Original Machete (Vanilla Default)
(-) Machete=”2″ –>  Primitive Machete (Modernized Default)
(-) Machete=”3″ –>  Homemade Machete

New Keybinds:
[-] Interact –>  E
[-] Holster Weapons –>  E (Hold)
[-] Inspect Weapons –>  F
[-] Toggle Map –>  Mouse Button 4 (Side Mouse Button)
[-] Change Map Scale –>  Left Mouse Button
[-] Heal –>  Q
[-] Throw Grenade –>  G
[-] Change Throwable –>  Left ALT
[-] Look Back (Vehicle) –>  Left Arrow / Right Arrow

[-] ReShade Settings –>  Home
[-] Toggle ReShade –>  PageUp
[-] Take Screenshot –>  Delete

FC2 remastered works only with DirectX10
And Modernized works well with DirectX9


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